One of those days....

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Arboristsite MVP
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Supernatural Beautiful British Columbia
Ya ever had one of those days??? Today started out grand.....the new secretary shows up (impressed you havent phoned yet Gypo or Doug) looks great as usual...and goes about her work....then I get a phone call...a buddy of mine...(deer cop or conservation officer as some call him)....he is having some septic issues...and has a family reunion starting this, my driver..(as that is our other business)..has to work till 1:30 cant be there...I decide that he and I will do this.....bad idea!! First of all we get there and we pump out the tank....not the problem...then we realize my truck has a bit of a leaking issue...not a good thing when we drive through decide we will leave the vacuum pump running while we go to the dump site...but its noisy...oh well...halfway there, we just about get killed by a semi truck...and trying to avoid them, we almost in turn kill others....great fun already...finally get to the dump site...up this "goat trail" of a road....and go to stop and gues wha? no brakes!!! we drove through a big deal..little fence....but...had this occured 5 minutes prior, or later...we would have been in for a ride...about a 1000 feet...we got seriously lucky...anyway...I liimped the truck back to my dads...who only lives 2 miles first gear and the my hotwater tank isnt working and neither is my toilet....grrr....two completely unrelated problems at once.....and finally i got to do some work on my house...putting up the last of the siding....and realize half way is a different size than the auger didnt show up...I was ready to say "to hell with it"....I dont know what I did to piss off who...but man....

I considered firing up my 272 to make me feel better...but then thought about that again...not touching anything else today...
Hey Dennis, I bet your new secretary doesnt last a week, and may be reporting you to the Labour Board of Canada. Is the dungeon still vacant?
Maybe you can look at the whole day as a big deposit in the karma bank and from now until the end of the Revival will be smooth sailing.:)

Is that Winston Rothschild III's Sewage and Septic Sucking Service?
Johnboy...she will be no labour fact she will be selling the t shirts at the revival...and of course you know the dungeon is still available..although you will have to deal with the 3 feet of water and the polar crocs that reside in their right now...

Mike, I certainly hope you are correct..we will see how today least the hay is off the field now...

-number one in the number two business
Dennis, ya got to admit being #1 in the #2 business is better than being the #2 in the #1 business.:eek: I think!!!

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