Thanks for the plug Stumper. Did you ever know an elderly lady in Canon City, named Marceile Ratkovich? She was my mothers distant cousin. I have visited there several times. I even took the Rock Shelf road from Victor in February in my 64 Falcon, not a bright move when the creek is that high and the road is that icy and snow covered. But I made it.
James, As to the classes, this is the type of person they are most designed for. Someone working in the field who wants to learn more. Pathology and Sports Turf are on the schedule for this summer, along with the climbing class, which is taught on campus following Memorial Day. If you have already had some climbing training from one of the major programs, such as Arbormaster, we can accept credit for that. The classes will also all transfer to other schools, such as A&M if you get really wrapped up in more schooling. I have a grad from Lubbock who just graduated from there.
Bob Underwood