Dolmar and now Husky have been picked up by the 'Big Two' home supercenters here in the states. Whenever these guys pick up a new line of products that were already served by a dealer network, that network suffers mightily, since the 'Big Two' will always undercut them on new sales. The buyer would do well to keep in mind that these supercenters offer NO parts, service or repair support on anything they sell; not even under warranty! If the saw breaks the day after you buy it, they will refer you to a local servicing dealer, the same guy that got screwed out of the new sale to begin with. The 'Big Two' USED to take 'lemon' items back as a courtesy on a NQA basis. Not any more, due in no small part to the dishonesty of some buyers who buy, for example a chainsaw, clean up their storm damage then return the saw for some bogus reason for a full refund. 'Big Two must then surplus this returned item out as it is no longer new. The dishonest buyer thinks "Screw 'Big Two', they are just heartless, faceless corporate giants; they can afford this". These same people would not likely do this to a smaller dealer, one where they deal with the owner of the company personally, directly. 'Big Two' then says "Screw these buyers, let 'em eat cake on lemon units, warranty and parts"
I personally would not want to get involved in that toxic love/hate thing going on 'tween 'Big Two' and J Q Public. Buy your saw from the little guy.
Just My $.02