Thoughts on either? Weight difference in the two?
(+1 to Fanny) According to Oregon specs the Speedcut NK bars are really light, but the VersaCut series is only 5 oz heavier in 18" Husky small mount. Sharing some numbers from Oregon website.
Providing feedback to the 2 OP's (590 & 545). Apologies I'll say comments here once & try not to repeat later. I use K095 Husky & D176 Echo applications so share interest / perspective.
Reviews are generally good on WoodlandPro line. No experience. I'll just repeat, ime, (if reduced weight is not your objective) that Forester/AEI solid bars 1-Rivet for $30 or Platinum for $50 do quite fine firewood service.
Forester Platinum specs a 58 Rc rail hardness as right there with top brands.
Then again, a TsuMura L&T is a gorgeous addition to a 545/550/562 ... any saw! Seems serious users may prefer Sugihara (tip durability) but Tsu or Sugi both are ultimate choices. Makes for a huge smile.
Just per my topic following; Dukes, Archer, Raisman laminated bars seem a step below other value brands. No insult to what they are, right selection for many. Fyi, I am a repeat Dukes (TC) buyer for other products. Appreciate their service(s).
My experience & blog following; Forester or Laser are possibly a tad better 'value-line' of import bars.
AEI were helpful to me when making a Forester customer service inquiry.
Thoughts -- the Narrow Kerf bars tend to present more flex, imo. Possibly a negative if bore cut alot. In 20" .325 bars, I don't like the NK wiggle & wag of the tip. Also, the typical NK low kickback 10 tooth tip tend to experience more inertia impact wear on bottom of nose (7 o'clock). Just affect of sharper turn, plus 10T sprocket turns 17% faster than std 12T as goes durability.
Unless prefer low kickback features; prehaps a better longevity lies in VersaCut Alum Core reduced weight bar (or, equivalent .325 12T high quality laminated bar).
• Speedcut Narrow Kerf 10T {WT mfgr w/packing}
•• tip TXLB = .325 10T
-- 1.25#, 15", 150TXLBK095
-- 1.3#, 16", 160TXLBK095
-- 1.41#, 18", 180TXLBK095
-- 1.52#, 20", 200TXLBK095
... spec'd use .325" NK chain, such as Oregon M66/M72 (95TXL replaces 95VPX).
• VersaCut Alum Core (12T tip), not NK spec but should accept 'slim' .050 chassis "NK" chain such as Stihl 23RS, or highly rated Husqvarna Xcut SP33G. Xcut probably fraction less slim as believe is 0.058" chassis (series sp33/35). Or, same less slim situation for Oregon LGX/LPX/BPX (series 20/21/22). All fine choices for firewood needs.
So then, VersaCut stated only ~3 tenths of pound more weight (so under 5 oz difference) while larger 12T sprocket tip.
• VXLG / RNB = .325" 12T
• VXLH / RND = 3/8" 11T
Husqvarna small mount
-- 1.57#, 16", 160VXLGK095
-- 1.77#, 18", 180VXLGK095
Echo 590 [D176], 3/8" .050
>> note; drivelink count #
-- 18", 180VXLHD176 (64dl)
-- 2.07#, 20", 200VXLHD176 (70dl)
--Oregon 200RNDD176 70dl
--Tsu 027FV4 Echo 20" 72dl
-- Dukes / Echo 20" 72dl
-- Archer / Echo 20" 72dl
TsuMura L&T premium bars
-- # 365SK2 18" .325 .050 72dl [rep'l 180RNBK095]
-- # 027FV4 Echo 20" 3/8 .050 72dl [upgrade from 200RNDD176 70dl]
Forester / AEI -- note item weights seem fairly generic, not actual weights, but ball-park.
• FeatherLite .325 laminate, some review complaints of rust after clear coat abrasion. Just repaint clear.
-- 2.1#, 16" # FLHJ165066
-- 2.8#, 18" # FLHJ185072
• Forester 1-Rivet Solid
-- Husq 16", # HJ165066
-- Husq 18", # HJ185072
-- Echo 20" # EM205070W
-- Echo 24" # EM245081W
• Platinum solid .325 .050
-- 2.1#, 16", # HJ165066FP
-- 2.7#, 18", # HJ185072FP
-- 2.12# (actual wt. ?), ref.
20" 3/8, # HJ20385072FP