This seems like somewhat of a complicated subject, atleast to me...
On the one hand, the goal of an arborist is to get all the soil area around the roots to as close to a "forest floor" as possible. And, obtaining optimal tree HEALTH. Everyone agrees on those.
Yet, how that is achieved is where there seems to be differences of opinions.
came across this pdf link, from what seems to be a reputable tree care co, (tho I dont know them from Adam...):
What are soil amendments?
The ANSI A300 standard for soil management states that soil amendments are “A material
incorporated into the soil that improves physical characteristics.” I would expand that definition to
include improves soil structure, chemistry and biological activity.
As such:
Soil amendments would include N-P-K products such as a 32-10-6
Products containing
humic acids and seaweed extracts
Products containing spores of mycorrihizae and other micro-organisms
Compost Tea
Liquid compost
Air – Aeration is a very important step in root zone management. It can be accomplished using a
soil auger or compressed air tool. Even liquid applications of soil amendments provide a significant
aeration effect. Proper water management is made much easier when soils are aerated.
.these liquids are mentioned, yet my question is determining the proper need & application of such. (and the same concerning "bioorganics like Essential Plus 1-0-1)