peach tree troubleshooting

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New Member
May 18, 2001
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My 5 year old peach tree started its blooms then they dried up. The
trunk and branches have a white lined film on it. Last year it looked
very healthy and had normal growth, but did not bare fruit. I love the
tree Please help me save it.
This might be an interesting article for you Although I think its a powdery mildew. I would spray using these fungicides:
Pesticide Rate (for 1 gallon of water) Rate (for 10 gallons of water)
Captan 50% WP 1 tablespoon 5 oz.
Sulfur 80-90% WP 3 tablespoons 10 oz.
Dont use sulfur if over 85 degrees, it may cause phytotoxicity. It must get lots of water in this area, so slow the watering down. It will help dry this up also.
I also had one question, Has it ever bared fruit? Its still very immature. My guess is it hasnt. Maybe another 2 years away.

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