Pickup in logging

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Tony Snyder

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 8, 2002
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East Central Illinois (Marshall)
Increase in logging activity

Logging has picked up around here. I am not knowledgeable as to why. But log saws are selling.

We are in East central Illinois. It is hardwoods here.

Have hard wood veneer or lumber prices gone up to cause this pick up in activity?
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I was in northern PA last week, at the Lumber Museum, and they said the same thing: the export business is picking up and the biggest problem is getting the logs off the mountains because of all the mud. I saw log trucks and skidders all over the place. We've had a lot of rainfall this past month after nearly two years of drought.

ps.: I wrangled an invitation to go out with a crew for a day...can't wait!
With Pres, Bush signing his new logging bill sounds like it will pick up all over especially in the national forests. Now watch timber prices fall as there is a glut created

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