Looking for a company who will drop a large oak tree for me.
Looking for a company who will drop a large oak tree for me.
She seemed so happy! Contacted you via your webpage.
Seemed to me the lady was reading a pre-written script. What was the word she kept saying? Oh yeah, 'Mammoth'.
Jeff :msp_rolleyes:
sweet video man looks like if this guy chooses you he will get the done right :msp_thumbup:
You really need to keep people like that out of your workzone...
This whole thread has just been more BS that too often circulates around this place.
So post a video of your work AssHat, or are you the only BSer in this thread?
No, you are the main BSer in this thread...
Not a difficult drop, just big. The limbs I cut off were to clear the trees she didn't want taken out. I'm just glad there was enough hinge to control it with the rot deep in the center.
So how is posting a video taken by a customer BS? Can you not see the tree? Do you think I made that up? Special effects? Moon landing in a Hollywood back lot?
Please explain how you can call that BS, I'd really like to know.
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