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Arboristsite MVP
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Supernatural Beautiful British Columbia
Also after talking with alot of members via email and phone, I agree with Darin 100%. This Forum is the best free forum available, and its growing daily. We need to keep within the guidelines, as not to lose total control..

As for off topic stuff, I am certainly as guilty as much, if not more, than the rest of us....but I too will try to remain on topic..and if need be start a new thread in the appropriate forum..We are always going to get a little off topic...the majority of us are male, and that is just what we do...

We do have chat rooms for those who wish to use them...just go to "browse ads" and the link is there...

Lets keep the site clean and fun guys!!
I'm going to have to plead a little ignorance here, as I haven't really been offended by anything I've seen. I'm not here every day (almost, though!) and I don't read every thread, so it's entirely possible I've missed something.

So what's the big deal...what juicy thread have I missed?
Oh no,

Don't tell me he is going to get rid of the scratching golf lady!
What a beauty, pity :eek: :mad: :p
Thank goodness he hasn't taken away the pic of my birthday present-- yet. :p (off topic forum)

Golf lady ain't got nuthin on THIS!
What's with the brief posts problem? Just because we don't all have the time that TheTreeSpyder has to wax on doesn't mean our posts should be removed! I might have worked extra hard to reduce it to a short phrase that would have a greater "take home message" than a two-page essay that no one reads!

I could go on for hours, but I'll run the risk of having my post deleted.....

I believe Darin was referring to a couple members who have sometimes taken over threads in order to chat back and forth, sometimes posting 20 or more replies each on one thread in one night. Mostly talking about stuff not relating to the topic. I haven't gone so far as to put them on ignore yet, but I avoid those threads once I see them 'chatting'.
It seems like the omnipotent "Administrator" woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Right now, I'm not feeling favorable about AS, especially since there still is no link to the chatroom, except through the back door. Is the power trip of moving threads more important than making the site more accessible?

That is currently being worked on as well...Even though it is still only one extra "click" away..I agree it should be on the top of each page...

moving threads=power think our "omnipotent administrator", Darin, does a fantastic job, with what little time he really has on his hands at this time. I try to help him out as much as I can...when I see something wrong..I fix it as well as I can...

This is still the best free open forum on the net, with the least amount of moderation...but we still need to respect the guidelines that were set out long before any of us were members...
Hi there fellas, hows it goin, did ya get ere' done yet?
The trouble here is that there are too many trouble makers, just waiting to stir the pot!
Just so as to be totaly up front, these reprehensible posters are Babcock, Fish and Tundraotto, to name a few.
I,on the other hand always post in good taste and never hurt anyones feelings because I am purer than the driven snow.
Because this forum is self policeing, I feel that these encoragable rifraf types should be made moderators in an attempt to quell their evil ways and give them a more sober view of what this forum should be used for.
Get a life, you trouble makers!
The Chainsaw Meadiator
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Just a theory so dont hold me to it, but this probably has a connection with a certain Ebay show and tell we all know about. That insued in some arguments and people rasing a stink over ****?. I didnt really see anything offending myself just the ebay thing was dumb. And just maybe because of some multiple personalites that other members seem to have:D I dont think Darins on any power trip this place has always been very welcoming. thats why I'm still here no over moderation it takes care of itself very well I believe. Now you want to see moderation at its worst go to the Tool shed. I can say theres no crap like that here.
I am not on any power trip, I just don't want want threads like the one treeclimber is talking about. I am not saying your have to write books, it just has to be relevant or somewhat relevant. I just don't want the chat BS. Nic, by the tone of your writing, I think you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was just mearly trying to keep the quality of the site up. What is so annoying is you get emails when you post replies. Who wants to read somebody chatting? Get my drift. When I get some time I will post the chat link. Thanks for the support guys and don't read into this too much. I just want guys to realize a forum is not a chatroom.
You know some of us don't have the eloquience of John ( the tool shed ) Lambert, and one liners are the only thing funny asides the spellin.
I will say that no particular post, thread, or picture led to the post Darin wrote. It was the fact that some things are getting a little out of hand, and we have had some members mentioning this, as well as there is the sponsorship issue.

It has nothing to do with the debate over the ebay posts...but yes they probably should be on "used equipment"...It has nothing to do with Dougs Avatar....It may have something to do with having to see Gypos better side...(I am still laughing about that) but noone should have to see that...It does have to do with a link that was posted to a **** site...and it does have to do with using the forum as a chat room....short answers arent a problem...chatting is..

Going off topic is also an issue...not near as much as the others...I mean...we all want to have fun here and keep it interesting...I want to be able to check this place 3 times a interested in the posts...and get a good laugh at the same time...I cant believe this thread stayed on topic as long as it has...

The whole point of the announcement wasnt intended to be a warning that "if you dont follow the rules you will be banned or your posts will be deleted"....only a reminder that there are some general rules and ettiquite(sp?) that we need to keep in mind.

Gypo...I can read between the lines ya

Huskyman...sorry..."Most of us..." :D
Hello Dennis, I think Jon was refering to your filing abilities, since TP means Top Plate in the chainsaw world, however I have given up on teaching you how to file, but may I suggest you get a roll of carbide chipper chain? You might also invest in a can of Nevr' Dull.
Remember, If a saw was meant to be rode it would come with a saddle.