posting saw pic

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 6, 2002
Reaction score
West Virginia
Hello, just trying my hand at posting a pic of my saw. I am trying to get a little more handy with my computer. Hope you like my saw......Later Wade

Well sorry guys I am havung som difficulty. It is saying my image is to big. I will try again later...........Wade
Get yourself a simple photo editor and either reduce the pixel size and/or the compression quality. The former should be under the "resize" heading and the latter under "JPEG options".

Or you could upload the photo to your own server and link to it here.
Try to get a hold of treeclimber 165 (Brian) ....he helped me through this problem a while back. Good luck.

When someone puts together an explanation of how to reduce the file sizes and then post them; would they please post that?

I don't post pictures because I really don't know how to do it correctly.

Thanks, Tony
Well, first you need to get the photo on your computer. This means scanner, digital camera, or a PhotoCD. Open it in your editing program (each one is a little defferent).

Now, find out what size it currently is in pixels. This will be in a "properties" box or under the "resize" command. Any larger than 800x600 is too much, I usually use 640x480 for web posts. Go into resize and enter the new numbers.

Click OK. Next, you need to save it as JPEG (if it isn't one already). That'll be in a drop-down menu under the "save as" command. Either in that same save as window or in a "JPEG options" window (probably under "edit" or "options") will be the controls for JPEG compression quality. More compresson=less quality and a smaller file size. Crank it down to around 65. Save.

Now you have your suitably mangled photo. Click "browse" in the "attatch file" section of the message posting window here on AS. Find the photo and click OK. That's it.

Here's a photo that I did all that to. It brought it down to around 58K. Small enough to post. (Need to put some more variety in my saw photos--these are getting old)
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I should add that you don't need to go through any of that (if you don't want to) if you have your own server space. Most ISPs will give you a few megs to put up photos, webpages, etc. You use an FTP client to upload the photos to your space, then post the URL here like this:

{img}url goes here{/img}

When you actually do it, you put "[" (no quotes) in place of the "{" I posted. It would have thought my example was a photo if I had.
Go to and grab a free copy of the free stuff.&nbsp; It's so free that you even get a copy of the source code and permission to do with it whatever you want.&nbsp; That's free as in "free beer" <i>and</i> free as in "free speech".

There's a GUI interface for you if you want to go to all the extra trouble.&nbsp; Me, I just do something like entering <blockquote><font face="fixed" size="+1">convert -resize '50%' image.jpg image_sm.jpg</font></blockquote> at the command line and nanoseconds later I have the modified image ready to use.&nbsp; It defaults to a JPEG quality of 85, I think, but you can specify the quality value if you want more or less.&nbsp; There's so much you can do with this stuff it'll make your head spin.&nbsp; It'll even convert or display images directly from the network:<blockquote><font face="fixed" size="+1">convert h<i></i>ttp://w<i></i> carb.png

display h<i></i>ttp://w<i></i></font></blockquote>
The thing about attaching images here is that if you preview your post, you need to tell the site about the image again or it'll get not-posted when you post your posting.&nbsp; At least that's been my experience.

John's example would be something like<blockquote>[<i></i>img][<i></i>/img]</blockquote>which would end up as

If you don't include the protocol (scheme) and delimiter (i.e. "http://") as in <blockquote>[<i></i>img][<i></i>/img]</blockquote>you'll end up with a broken link like this

But the mechanism used here isn't really any easier than just using the HTML code itself like <blockquote>&lt;img src=""&gt;</blockquote>for
<img src="">

Holler if you need a hand.
