Poulan Super XXV factory carb settings

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Billy Jack

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Lake Norman, NC
Does anyone know what the factory carb settings (Walbro WT-19A) should be on this Poulan? I have tried 1-2 full turns out on both H and L, but I can't find the proper setting. It'll start, but will not continue to run. I've done everything short of a kit (I've cleaned it out thoroughly, but re-installed everything), and I just want to make sure this isn't a setting issue.

why did you take teh carb apart,,, what were teh problems? are you sure its back together right? diaphrams and gaskets in proper order...
i have a craftsman 2.3, and its set about 1 1/2 +or -,, and runs great,,,,
if the carb was original, you probably need a new kit, check teh fuel line and filter also...
why did you take teh carb apart,,, what were teh problems? are you sure its back together right? diaphrams and gaskets in proper order...
i have a craftsman 2.3, and its set about 1 1/2 +or -,, and runs great,,,,
if the carb was original, you probably need a new kit, check teh fuel line and filter also...

Non-running saw of my dad's that we are just trying to make run again. Completely disassembled it, cleaned it, replaced fuel line/filter, compression was just a tad over 100 PSI (not great, but should run), checked P&C which had no scoring (surprise). Carb is pulling fuel from tank when cranked. Reed valve is okay. Good spark. I had TWO of the same carburetors, and used the best from each to make the best one I could (diaphragm and gasket carefully removed intact). Passages cleaned. No filter in saw, so I made one from a Briggs foam filter (I'm suspicious of this, since I cut it to fully fit the spot where the filter should be. Too much density limiting air flow?).

I have a parts saw coming with another carb that I will try, but I still think I'm right there with this one and it's just a finicky setting. Doing this on the cheap, but I'll get a kit if I need it. I doubt this saw will ever see use, just nostalgia more than anything.
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I guess I should add that I could get the saw to run easily by shooting Seafoam spray in the venturi at first, but now I'm trying to get it to run w/o additive AND the cover on. It'll fire on choke, then run for about six seconds, but is unresponsive to the operating throttle. Fuel tank has pressure when gas cap loosened. Plug seems to be wet, so I'm thinking the setting is probably too rich, but I don't know the factory specs.
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1 1/4 -1 1/2 out on both should get it started... tehn adjust it from there,, i have a cut bs filter in mine also,,, easy and cheap,, been in there 2 years no problems,,,

if the saws been sitting, put a new kit in the carb, make sure you set teh needle right, and the diaphram & gaskets are in teh right order.. i don't remember an impulse line on mine, so i think its getting vacuum thru teh carb intake,, make sure teh gasket isn't covering the hole....
1 1/4 -1 1/2 out on both should get it started... tehn adjust it from there,, i have a cut bs filter in mine also,,, easy and cheap,, been in there 2 years no problems,,,

if the saws been sitting, put a new kit in the carb, make sure you set teh needle right, and the diaphram & gaskets are in teh right order.. i don't remember an impulse line on mine, so i think its getting vacuum thru teh carb intake,, make sure teh gasket isn't covering the hole....

Sitting might be an understatement. It's probably been idle for fifteen or more years. When I first started working on it, I went to dump the fuel out of it and all I got was premix (all the gas had evaporated). Fuel line was crumbly, and yada, yada, yada. No impulse line on this model, draws from intake side.
I'll wait for the parts saw (member here sending it for the price of shipping) and try that carb first. If no-go, I'll buy a kit.

. No impulse line on this model, draws from intake side.


just make sure teh impulse hole is not covered by teh carb gasket... fwiw, the kits for those carbs are cheap, < 10.00,,, and there is enough gaskets in tehm to do 2 carbs,,, unless teh carb you are getting has just been rebuilt, i still would put a new kit in it...
good luck..........
Non-running saw of my dad's that we are just trying to make run again. Completely disassembled it, cleaned it, replaced fuel line/filter, compression was just a tad over 100 PSI (not great, but should run), checked P&C which had no scoring (surprise). Carb is pulling fuel from tank when cranked. Reed valve is okay. Good spark. I had TWO of the same carburetors, and used the best from each to make the best one I could (diaphragm and gasket carefully removed intact). Passages cleaned. No filter in saw, so I made one from a Briggs foam filter (I'm suspicious of this, since I cut it to fully fit the spot where the filter should be. Too much density limiting air flow?).

I have a parts saw coming with another carb that I will try, but I still think I'm right there with this one and it's just a finicky setting. Doing this on the cheap, but I'll get a kit if I need it. I doubt this saw will ever see use, just nostalgia more than anything.

Billy, I have a relatives Poulan 2000 that has 105psi compression that will fast idle and rev fine but will not idle normally. It needs a new ring and it sounds like your saw also needs a new ring.
Billy, I have a relatives Poulan 2000 that has 105psi compression that will fast idle and rev fine but will not idle normally. It needs a new ring and it sounds like your saw also needs a new ring.

It's possible. I've had saws run fine with 100 PSI, and that little saw probably didn't have that high a compression anyway. Once I can eliminate the fuel system as the problem, we'll consider that as well.

Thanks for the input.
Running now!

I got the saw running tonight. I noticed it seemed to be getting way too much fuel, so I took the carb apart (again) and determined that the lever to the needle was bent out of spec. After getting that right, I reinstalled the carb and got it to fire. A little time setting the carb (having to take the cover off and on, off and on), but it is idling nice, and tach'd at 9600 rpm. Needs just a tweak at low idle, but for now I'm leaving it just a bit rich. I'm really surprised how well its running.