Pre-Super Bowl Splitting Party

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ArboristSite Operative
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Vassar, MI
Thanks to a nagging chest cold, sleep has been hard to come by all week which hasn't left much energy to do anything before or after work. Finally feeling better and while the wife went shopping, I managed to throw a little party with just me and the dog.

Continued to run the new 361. Seems to run better and better each time I run it. Very happy with it so far! Still working on a 20"+ Ash that I dropped some time ago. Now that I've discovered noodling, I may not run my splitter much any more. Here's the product of today's "party." All split with the Fiskars. There's about 2/3 of a cord there.


Previously, I've been stacking into 1/3 cord stacks. That got a little tedious having to craft new ends on each side of the stack so I'm going to try one long pile. I liked the individual 1/3s because I sell some of it and it made for easy measuring but I've sold enough now that I know the capacities of my truck and trailer.

Figured while I was taking pics, I'd snap a few of the rest of the piles that I have in the works. This pile has been in the works for a while. I'll get around to stacking it eventually... I'm guessing there's a little over a cord there.


Here's the pile that the splits have been coming from. Mix of Ash, Oak, Elm, Cherry, and Maple. That pile has been in the works for a while too...


The "select cuts" stacks. Oak on the left and Cherry on the right.

good job.
My pre game consisted with stoking up the coals and loading in some wood. I decided to make some potato skins for the game. I am trying to bake the potatos on top of the stove, I washed them, wrapped them in foil, and placed them on the stove top.

update: the potatoes baked up great on top of the stove.....stovetop 350-400 just over an hour with turning over 1 time.
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I'm jealous of you guys that separate wood by species.

Bacon wrapped Jalepaneos for me tonite during the game. Wife is making roast beef with all the fixins but the game is late for us in EST.
It was goose poppers for me, small slice of goose, dap of cream cheese, a slice of jalopeno wraped with a half piece of bacon, MMMM GOOD!

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