Drivecase cover Won't slip off the crankshaft, not much to grab hold of to use a puller, guessing the bearing is stuck to the inside of the cover and won't release. Trying not to break it. Any ideas?
Hello JohnL. Try and warm or heat the case with a heat lamp or gun after letting some penetrating oil do it's work. Just a quick thought off the top of the old brain. Lewis.
Hi; If I'm not mistaken there are two screws with washers that hold the
bearing in the case. It won't slide off the crankcase without removing the screws.Th cylinder has to be removed first.and then the crankcase to remove the screws properly. Axeman.
Hello Lewis, good to hear from you again Sir. I'm hoping to save the seals since I don't have a source for new ones yet, otherwise heat may do the trick.