That's strange, I watched a treeman remove two large Redwoods from over a cabin In Sea Ranch, CA about a year and a half ago. He was 60 and no CA license. Really was something to watch this guy work. He'd been at it a lifetime and was awesome. I can't imagine that job went for less than $5oo. I guees not a lot of folks adhere to the CA law. Especially with Sea Ranch being a wildlife and eco preserve and all.
I always find it comical when the newb CA's or someone who has recently attended an arbormaster class and now knows everything and is the greatest thing since sliced bread turns their nose up at us lowly "hacks" who have been plugging away in this industry for decades. Who do they think paved the way for them? A bunch of hard working "tree guys" that's who. Don't get me wrong education is great. It is needed and the ISA program does nothing but enhance our industry but we all play a vital role. I don't think the snooty folks do a lot for the industry as a whole, if you ask me, but cause discourse and turn off anyone that might learn from them if they would learn some manners.
OK, rant off.