If you work for one man painting a house, he may be happy, another not.
The unhappy man might not have liked your paint prep, clean-up, overspray etc. He might be being an embittered hardcase, or he might honestly have different "Quality Identifiers" of what passes for a quality job.
i think most 'civilians' have poor/wrong quality identifiers of proper tree work and seek to modify their "Quality Identifiers". i think that the view of no spiking/topping, interfering with branch collars etc. is a message to be carried forward; that i imagine a lot of us do. Until it is, those that perform the better services will prolly a lot of times be short changed, for their superior services and efforts; by equivalent pay.
New ideas and technologies, always seem to take a while to trickle down, to become fully immersed in the peoples it seems. To make it worse, i think it is a common experience to have grown up knowing/seeing, that trees get topped, painted, spiked, stobbed, liontailed etc. Then all the sudden it is wrong....
So this change needs to happen; i think people need different 'Quality Identifiers' to determine competant tree service, whether by themselves on a 1" branch or hiring someone. It is not rocket science, easier to understand than windows, etc.
i think one place for doing this would be schools, that would take care of the future, and even some of the present in a round about way. Just in discussion, the new things kids bring home, seeing people work, the aftermath of slaughter etc.; kids might want to sahow what they know etc.
i was thinking that if like ISA or someone had short modules for schools to plug in to other studies (biology, botany, respect for life, wonders of the world, leverage math, changing ideas of the world, knotting in boy scouts etc. as vehichle); where by their were premade lesson plans, handouts, tests etc. that would fit the format of classrooms. such as material to be convered in 1-14 day sessions 60 min. each (or whatever popular in such settings). There could be a ~6 grade and ~10th grade version i think. To fit in standard topics as mentioned, or an elective highschool 'wild week' thing, where for some hours the go to classes in less usual subjects.
They would get downloadable, real life examples of up to date info, free of charge or work. The trojan horse, would also carry/implant the newer science of understanding etc. Maybe even a pamphlet whatever for dad....
i was thinking it could be perhaps an education student at a university might work something like that for a grade etc.; or the core structure to build on.
My first thought of course is to pop this forward to Nick of course. Not to do himself, just an idea to play with; and i know their are others out thar too. Nick has been most active and lending here, ISA etc. already in his few years. Donald Trump spoke of when you grow up from 4yrs. old hearing the intracacies of an artful profession, till it is 2nd nature; gives one a feel for things like none other, especially early in adulthood. So with that depth, and position in school, active at it too; i of course think of bouncing it off him first here.
Been a lil'shy about it with what has been said lately about his efforts; yet it is he that acts his age or beyond polightly. So, Nick; and ye others at educational places trying to better yourselves; ya might keep an open mind if this strategy would fit any scenario that comes up; that someone feels energized to do such a thing.
It is for the cause, the change that will not happen over night!
Orrrrrrrr something like that!
The unhappy man might not have liked your paint prep, clean-up, overspray etc. He might be being an embittered hardcase, or he might honestly have different "Quality Identifiers" of what passes for a quality job.
i think most 'civilians' have poor/wrong quality identifiers of proper tree work and seek to modify their "Quality Identifiers". i think that the view of no spiking/topping, interfering with branch collars etc. is a message to be carried forward; that i imagine a lot of us do. Until it is, those that perform the better services will prolly a lot of times be short changed, for their superior services and efforts; by equivalent pay.
New ideas and technologies, always seem to take a while to trickle down, to become fully immersed in the peoples it seems. To make it worse, i think it is a common experience to have grown up knowing/seeing, that trees get topped, painted, spiked, stobbed, liontailed etc. Then all the sudden it is wrong....
So this change needs to happen; i think people need different 'Quality Identifiers' to determine competant tree service, whether by themselves on a 1" branch or hiring someone. It is not rocket science, easier to understand than windows, etc.
i think one place for doing this would be schools, that would take care of the future, and even some of the present in a round about way. Just in discussion, the new things kids bring home, seeing people work, the aftermath of slaughter etc.; kids might want to sahow what they know etc.
i was thinking that if like ISA or someone had short modules for schools to plug in to other studies (biology, botany, respect for life, wonders of the world, leverage math, changing ideas of the world, knotting in boy scouts etc. as vehichle); where by their were premade lesson plans, handouts, tests etc. that would fit the format of classrooms. such as material to be convered in 1-14 day sessions 60 min. each (or whatever popular in such settings). There could be a ~6 grade and ~10th grade version i think. To fit in standard topics as mentioned, or an elective highschool 'wild week' thing, where for some hours the go to classes in less usual subjects.
They would get downloadable, real life examples of up to date info, free of charge or work. The trojan horse, would also carry/implant the newer science of understanding etc. Maybe even a pamphlet whatever for dad....
i was thinking it could be perhaps an education student at a university might work something like that for a grade etc.; or the core structure to build on.
My first thought of course is to pop this forward to Nick of course. Not to do himself, just an idea to play with; and i know their are others out thar too. Nick has been most active and lending here, ISA etc. already in his few years. Donald Trump spoke of when you grow up from 4yrs. old hearing the intracacies of an artful profession, till it is 2nd nature; gives one a feel for things like none other, especially early in adulthood. So with that depth, and position in school, active at it too; i of course think of bouncing it off him first here.
Been a lil'shy about it with what has been said lately about his efforts; yet it is he that acts his age or beyond polightly. So, Nick; and ye others at educational places trying to better yourselves; ya might keep an open mind if this strategy would fit any scenario that comes up; that someone feels energized to do such a thing.
It is for the cause, the change that will not happen over night!
Orrrrrrrr something like that!