Question about removing an unwanted tree

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New Member
Aug 24, 2024
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ontario, canada
I have a honeysuckle that is pretty established and there is a Manitoba Maple growing in it. The maple is about 4” diameter so pretty hefty already. I have cut the maple down to the ground but I already know that next spring it is going to throw out a million suckers. I want to kill it but not harm the honeysuckle. Is it safe to assume I am going to have to dig out the roots and kill it that way or is there another solution? The roots are pretty entwined in the honeysuckle


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If you drill holes in it, and apply fairly concentrated Roundup or another glyphosate-based product very carefully into those holes, it should kill the stump. Be careful to not get any on the honeysuckle. Also beware that there is the possibility of what is called "flashback" where the herbicide that is translocated from the stump into the roots could get into the soil and kill the honeysuckle. But if you do it correctly, the risk is probably fairly low. And if the honeysuckle is still doing just fine within a few weeks, it probably didn't hurt it.
I'd say digging it out might cause more harm to the honeysuckle than spraying it.
If you drill holes in it, and apply fairly concentrated Roundup or another glyphosate-based product very carefully into those holes, it should kill the stump. Be careful to not get any on the honeysuckle. Also beware that there is the possibility of what is called "flashback" where the herbicide that is translocated from the stump into the roots could get into the soil and kill the honeysuckle. But if you do it correctly, the risk is probably fairly low. And if the honeysuckle is still doing just fine within a few weeks, it probably didn't hurt it.
I'd say digging it out might cause more harm to the honeysuckle than spraying it.
I appreciate the response. I assume by trying to remove the maple roots I would be disturbing the suckle roots and thus potentially putting it into shock. I will do some research into flashback before attempting the deed. My brain was leading towards targeting it with a herbicide but then if you say the risk is less than digging than so be it. Thanks