I met you at the saw mill expo last year, and i'm the guy that kept coming back and sawing on the sawmill you had there. Me and my brother are going to buy one soon but i heard a rumor that you sold your sawmill and were buying a different brand. Any truth to that? Why are you changeing brands have you had problems with your saw mill or the company? We were thinking of buying the new sawmill they now have.
From a guy that said he made you an offer at a big show you was at last week. He says he made you an offer you can't refuse? Is that true? I happen to know that same guy. I'd really like to know if you found a better sawmill than you had and what's better about it?
Well, if you was at the EXPO, these picts. should bring back some good memories...
Lots of folks tried out the Lumbermate, and it was great meeting all of them, and answering all of their questions...
There was thousands and thousands of bd. ft. of lumber sawn at the show, and all of it was sold to anyone who wanted it. Then all of the money was donated to a local charity, so everyone who helped mill those logs, was helping out too...