I had a steel until it was stole.
Everybody's right - in addition to conductivity of high voltage. For palms on a "hack'n hundreds" job, the rigidity makes climbing (using barefoot ascent, Cambodian style) easier, plus it "lends itself out" better with just a thumb pressure on the micro-ascender instead of playing it out by hand.
Palms on r.o.w. are usually over the highest triple conductors for neighborhood lines - 14,000 (+) volts. Fronds can drop and bridge the line and remain touching the trunk. Deadly as all get out, especially with gaffs. So barefoot with S.C. only in the clear, 16 strand otherwise, pines? Steel. Nubs on the other side can get to be a hassle when trying to impress the chicks.
Anyone ever thought about prothetics or a surgical removal of the big toe replaced w/ a thumb from some unfortunate long-fingered donar? I studied some apes in their environs once - and the South American 3-toed Sloth. Our feet suck. Even Indonesians evolve a more effective foot for purpose, maybe if I eat nothing but coconuts for a few weeks?
Squirrels are cool but they can't carry a chain saw.