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Overall I like it, it's a strong machine has been pretty reliable for the most part. I had to rebuild one of the rear wheel drive motors and have blown a couple of hydraulic hoses.  The relief valve for the pressure line on the cutterwheel motor is set at 5700 psi.  Rayco used 4000 psi hose. I blew it and dumped 10 gallons of hyd oil very fast.  I asked Rayco service why the hell they only ran 4000 psi hose, they told me it was for diameter and flexability.  I searched around and found that caterpillar uses a 6000 psi hose in some equipment that is very flexable and the same diameter as the 4000 rayco was using.  I had one made  with the cat hose.  Very expensive but has held fine. My complaint is not enough reach or chip capacity under machine but I think the vermeer would be pretty similar
