Red Maple bark falling off

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New Member
Aug 14, 2013
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I bought my house 9 years ago but got married and moved out 5 years ago and have rented my house since. I am not very close and haven't been to the home often but my current tenant reported the bark has greatly separated from the tree trunk. I don't know if there is any ability to save it.

It's August and the tree is filled with green leaves. There are only a couple of dead branches and are all located in the same branch area. The previous owner reported it was a red maple. View attachment 309501

I have no background in this and don't want to cut the tree if I don't have to. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.View attachment 309497View attachment 309497
The tree needs to be looked at for structural problems. It's an old injury, you can see the callus roll trying to close over the wound. I'm more worried about the potential for decay in the trunk. The tree can be healthy (full of green leaves) and be structurally unsound.
What is the approx. diameter of the tree in the wound area - Looks like 8 - 10"?
Something damaged that side of the trunk - maybe within the last five years, maybe before that. What does the other side of the tree look like?
While it looks like it's trying to compartmentalize the wound, it will take several years yet. It will likely rot and weaken further before that. There is a chance it could blow over in a strong wind. Are there any targets nearby (house, shed, etc), do children or adults frequent the area?
Lost cause?

Thank you both for the feedback. The back of the tree looks "normal" but the sides are starting to split and peel. I don't remember there being any damaging incident but I wasn't very observant either. The tree is about 25 years old I assume. It is smack-dab in the middle of the front yard. My husband is convinced to cut it down and I fear I waited way too long to "fix" it. If it fell it would likely fall away from the house.

Would it be recommended to cut it down?

Also, there were many small holes in the exposed trunk. Perfectly round tiny holes - likely a big or bee. That's new to the exposed wood (thinks my tenant).

Thanks again!!
It looks more like an injury from being planted too deep. That wound has been there for quite some time, probably started a few years after it was planted. Not much you can do about it anymore, I'd remove it and start new. Here's a good site for info on proper planting.Trees Are Good - Tree Care Information
Thank you

Thank you all for your help.

I think I remember there being a spot on the tree - much like the "callus roll" mentioned below (I learned something new) but no actual gaping issue. So the problem may have been there all along. And I have clearly neglected the issue over the years.

I also appreciate the information on planting a new tree, which I think is a necessity.

I have a white-flowering red berry (like glue when they land on cars/sidewalk) tree between the sidewalk and the road right in front of this tree. Perhaps some smaller flowering tree would work in this area as that flower tree can provide decent shade to the front yard.

Thanks again!!