I look for trees that I can't identify when I'm driving. I like to look at a tree and know what it is.
My wife hates my windshield ID moments,"is that..no.. hey slow down..." We've been together over three years now, so I've managed to stop pointing out properties I've worked.
I've not asked her to stop kvetching about here workday though. Her's is the "better" job; pay, benies, union security w/seniority...she hates it with a passion though.
No, I can't say that I have. I might walk through the park and imagine myself having a lifetime tree health care contract on every tree there.
This is the difference between the "young" climber who is thrilled with the challenge of his trade, and the professional who wants to build a way to do what he does for many years.
It is an old saw, but removals are a one trick pony. You can realistically trim on a 3-4 year cycle.
Once again my simple-math micro-company client portfolio'
300 clients
$1000 average gross per visit
3 year cycle
$100k per annum
If you are on a 200 workday budget, that leaves you 100 worry free days to do bid work
"Where would i rig that limb?", or "how could i swing that one to keep it from hitting the tree next to it?" Last night i actually had a dream about removing a freaking hackberry - actually it was more of a nightmare!!! i hate those things!!!
I usually have those dreams the night before a big technical removal. Even if I've never seen the tree, my mind gears up. I used to think it was stupid, but I've come to believe that it's my mind getting ready to think in ways don't on a regular basis.
There have been times when Diane's asked me what I'm thinking about, "Hmm...oh...I'm doing a time study to bid on the parkinglot trees"
Then she will
Unless they are involved directly in the business, it is hard for them to understand that we do not turn it off when we "punch out", and that for business owners, we really never punch out. I know many micro company owners who's wives still think of the tree company as "his job"... but then I digress into another topic... 'magine that