Originally posted by Mike Maas
Your missing the point. Haven't you seen the saw lanyards that are just a peice of cord with a couple of hooks?
The cord is always hanging out and getting snagged on stuff. The next generation was the lanyard that has a bungee in side. This gets rid of about half the loop of rope, but it's still a pain in the a$$.
The lanyard is for the unlikely event you drop the saw, or if you want to hang it down after a cut. We are not suggesting the retraction is strong enough to pull the saw up.
Also, getting all worked up about breaking strength is moot too, in a lot of cases. Think that silly little ring on a stihl topping saw would hold more than 100 lbs? How about the handle I have on my topping saw, I'd be surprised if it would hold much more than that. The Husky 335 might take a few hundred lbs to break, I don't know.