Yours looks re-useable.
On my equipment if I think maybe I might have to go back later and the gasket is stuck good on one side like yours I do not remove it, just leave in place and use a #2 grease or vaseline and coat the exposed side of the gasket and when I go back I can usually get a clean release again such as if I'm changing and testing carbs.
I sometimes use a gasket sealer on one side of a gasket so as it will stay in place and light grease on other side.
If sump or crankcase gaskets and similar I use a gasket sealer on both sides of gasket or surface such as Yamaha Bond 4 knowing the gasket is not going to be re-useable for go backs. I also use the permatex silcone gasket maker copper plus sometimes. I let them dry for about 12 hours before being subjected to oil, especially hot oil from a running engine.
I store my permatex and Yamaha Bond 4 in a refrigerator and the un-used portion will last long time.