So I'm looking to purchase my very first rigging setup in the near future. I would like to get the dmm impact block(5/8") and also the medium port a wrap(5/8"). I know by purchasing the 5/8" impact block, I will have to use a rigging line that's 5/8" or less, but what size can my whoppie, loopie, or dead eye sling be? I've searched online at treestuff and wesspur...if everything in this setup will be 5/8", then every piece of rope will be the color red, which is odd. I don't know why they would make all 5/8" rope/slings red. I'd rather have assorted colors to label which rope goes with the block and which one goes with the port a wrap(the color is not a big deal though). Also would you recommend a whoppie, loopie, or dead eye sling over the other? I was thinking about just purchasing 2 eye slings over the "oopies" being that you have to literally tie an cows/timber hitch to lock it down rather than girt hitching with the "oopies". Any thoughts?