Fair enough, but do ya think you could go easier on the new guys; .....i mean calling'em Mike and such.....
1st 3 paragraphs (of my previous post)are about questions of tourque existing, how, how it can help etc. commonly in all of the examples i drew. The 3rd paragraph outlines the different ways i've tried to name, focus on this force to understand it and how it can stand on my side or against me. Kinda in a full discloisure, lending; possibly clearing away different things for as far as my sight can see, for the next person to peek, and get further faster, then perhaps beyond, and so ti goes...... So these are the ways i have looked at all of this, and what i have layed aside and why, openly shared for the next mad scientist to run up to the tree lab and try!.
The final paragraph states that something at 30% lean, might only be sitting on10-18% (or something)of the 'stump' area (i think), in compressed fiber. The rest of the fibers across, hold against the pull of the lean and are strethced, therefore the tree does not sit on them. (A hinge will assume this same type of pattern, per lean, than the tree had.IMLHO)
The harder the lean, the less stump tree sits on, this allows closer pivot to fight lean, and gradually more and more left over fibers to stack increasing holding force and leverage in response to the lean. Helping you 2 ways. All self adjusting, all by itself. Understanding how they stand and grown, can show us how to use that power to fell, IMLHO. Then, those ground school lessons can be taken to the air (rigging, free falling) methinks.
Mainly i write because, in the original example i would not put in just a shallow face, i would bring the hinge deeper, to place that pivot of hinge as close to or almost behind opposite lean from fall- very strategic move, could be very well the defining factor between success and failure. As back lean now has less leverage, and fibers are flexed less when tree is moved forward (real good in less flexible fiber). That changes the whole mechanics, to more on your side, and am ashamed i missed it previously!!
i think this thread gets a 5.......