Root Pruning Article

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Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
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se usa
alanarbor wrote: "BTW Guy, nice article in the latest Arborist News! Sounds like the ol' hardboiled sleuth had been taking some sensitivity training! "

The mail's slow to NC; I haven't gotten the April issue yet. For those of you that get a chance to read it, I'd welcome any comments, criticism, lambasting, howls of protest or random thoughts on the general topic of pruning girdling roots. Feel free to pick nits on the decisions and the descriptions, anything..

The first paragraph had to be rewritten; it was shot down the first go-round for being too racy. For this family-friendly forum, here's Dendro's dry daydream; his image of climbing a southern magnolia:

"Her rounded form was waving in the wind, dazzling me into submission. Her deep green lustrous sheen pulled me helplessly toward her. I was lost in a tremulous trance. I had to experience oneness with this being, so I ardently ascended. Her long, spreading limbs enveloped me in their embrace as I thrust my way into her canopy. Through the layers of leathery emerald verdure I glimpsed the Carolina-blue sky. As I slithered further out her limbs, the delicious fragrance of the nectar glistening on her pure white petals wafted up my nostrils and intoxicated my mind. I was hers, totally, completely, and not at all discreetly." (Copyright ISA)

For you "modern" climbers who've never heard of thrusting into trees, it is a technique for getting into the canopy commonly used in the olden days, and still is the Modus Ascendandi for olden climbers.
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Guy, that was awesome! I HAVE to share this with Karina!

They are silly if they didn't want to publish that.

nick, who, though started climbing in the late 90s, still on occasion hip-thrusts into trees
NickfromWI said:
Guy, that was awesome! I HAVE to share this with Karina!
O yes I always knew that tree climbing was
one of the best preparations

for natural relations. :p :blob2:

They are silly if they didn't want to publish that.
They did; it was an earlier version that was redone to make it G rated.
ISA's not that square; kinda oval.
NickfromWI said:
So let's see the XXX rated version!
You youngsters are just insatiable, aren't you? :angel:

Actually it's not as good; the tree metaphor in it was so vague the editor could barely see it. I'll send it pm.
John Paul Sanborn said:
The only differance is that the young guys can still try to satiate
so you're saying that older guys can't try? Jsut cuz you're getting some different jewelry on your finger doesn't mean that the thrill will be gone. Don't believe what they say about getting under contract; if that were true I'd tear up the paper toot sweet!

So no comment about root pruning? ho hum, this place is a snore sometimes..
Guy, Just how racy was your original depiction of the removal of Magnolia's girdle? I got my magazine and read you article yesterday evening. Well done.
Stumper said:
Guy, Just how racy was your original depiction
I can't find it in"my files" :rolleyes: , but it was just about a guy moving in for a kiss. Her green eyes and earrings, perfume, white skin etc.were reminding him about the tree. or was it vice versa? The metaphor was too fuzzy to work, and some readers are sensitive to some things, so it was tossed. What remains, with its

"Her rounded form ... thrust my way into her canopy. I was hers, totally, completely, and not at all discreetly.", is enough to cause some anticipation of negative reaction. We'll see; they are being hypercareful, cautious and conservative, as is the article on the BMP's of soil over roots. That's the way they have to be, in those positions. They fold the envelopes, but they're flexible; it's up to others to stretch the envelopes. ;))

o and if you want racy, you won't get it from me. :angel:
Jason, TCI's From the Field articles on the back page are short and don't have the same rigorous review as other formats. Why not send something in to them? a quick and easy $100. :laugh:

O and stop boughing and start constructively criticizing; please--it was not perfect.

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