That sounds highly unlikely to me. You're not going to get inner core damage from dropping chunks on a rope without the cover showing it too.
2 different materials: one for core and one for cover; inner stiffer/much firmer & different make up, than outside; and beat it with a rubber hammer w/ wood underneath, as not to marr cover???? ... Introduce a very similar scenario in the field, that COULD happen to THAT type of rope, but I wouldn't be using a rope like that, on ANY job that made the rope core bend a lot.
I have seen OSHA pictures of guys using nylon rope TIED together to hoist them up an 1100' radio tower. ??? They got away with it several times, apparently??? They saved money, off the price of a "much superior rope". .... The guy and his son, riding the line, aren't here anymore. His wife burned/melted the rope on the capstan winch, when they were at about 600' ! ... Maybe should have bought new rope, after making some money, SO LUCKILY, getting away with the wrong stuff, as long as they did???
Sometimes in jobs we take for granted others, even bosses, know what they are doing and just go with it?? When you learn things correctly, by researching yourself, you can stay on top of new changes and are worth more on any job. If they don't think so? Run from that job, fast!
Learn the materials & properties of EACH kind rope and it's best use! READ about Samson's Rope Materials on their site. Or call and ask them.
Is this more than my 2 cents? :msp_unsure: Take from it and above ones, what ya will.
Have a good one!