Dansville went from Blue Collar to DESTITUTE a few months back when Foster Wheeler slammed the door permanently shut.
Naples/Canandagua is kind of a strange area, along with Victor. Lot of folks there who drive BMWs and "live the good life" as ong as Master Card keeps getting accepted.
Rochester itself is drawing agonal respirations, thanks to the administration of a brilliant mayor, and downsizing of Kodak, Xerox and Bausch & Lomb. Hillopotomous came thru during her campaign and assured us she would cure all of upstate's unemployment and economic downturn, and she must have done it cause burglarys are up.
Canandagua must be doing something cause there are a lot of car dealers putting up huge new buildings along the main road.
One thing I definitely would NOT do in that area is give credit to anyone, Master Card or CASH only. The DA in Monroe County won't even prosecute bad checks and all the people who write them know it.
Can you make money in the area, ABSOLUTELY, if you can't make money here, you can't make money anyplace. If you think you're going to take Collins customers and make money, you ain't, you have to build your own market, and out in Yuppieville, the ARBORIST should be the gimmick that works. Ted Collins is a lawn and tree care vendor, not a professional ARBORIST.
Your arrival is timed right, we just went thru a big Ice Storm, so there are plenty of trees and plantings in need of RESCUE. If I was doing it, I'd be talking to the Abrahams, and looking for referral work because I'm a SPECIALIST. I'd also be busting my ass to get name recognition by doing half an hour or an hour on a 50KW transmitter on Saturday morning. Nobody else is doing that, and you're too late to get in the phone book this year.
In Naples there has to be a hell of a lot of work for a consulting ARBOR:IST with all those grape vines too, they just don't know it yet. You just gotta build your own market, and convince people they NEED you and not the cheap guy. Are you going to get rich in a couple years, probably not, but if you are willing to plow the field and plant it, a few years down the road you'll harvest nice crops.
BTW, Collins is doing a lot of contractor clearing work to keep his equipment working 40 hours.
The current hitter on that side of town is Tony's Tree Service, basicly an overpriced clown with a few buckets and a bunch of druggies with attitudes working for him. Tony runs TV ads after every storm, and does free tree work for reporters in exchange for his trucks getting on the news when there's a storm.