smokechase II said:
A fellow FS employee on the Francis Marion about five years ago was struck by a canebrake. It was about 4' 03"
He was wearing a fancy pair of leather/kevlar/cordura high top snake boots.
No penetration of the boots at all, just checked out his plumbing and pump for stress.
The water moccasin does not appear to enjoy an endangered protection status in the south.
No one that I know of ever got fangs into skin with the company I worked for. One friend of mine did in HS, but it was a dry bite and the hospital didn't administer antivenom.
I killed two good sized canebrakes on my property this fall. One 4'10" the other 4'11". Really good looking snakes. Just didn't want them around for my kids to discover and we don't have a shortage of them or moccasins.
One I killed w/ a shotgun becuase I had a choice, the other w/ my Spyderco (not my favorite way with such a strong snake but I knew he'd be long gone if I didn't take care of him then and there). I skinned him out and have him rolled up in the freezer (rattles intact) till I tan it. Once skinned he measured 5'3" - sounds more impressive... It was a real scrap for me to get him where I could off him with my Spyderco as he was incredibly mad since I didn't let him run off. I can certainly appreciate what it must be like to be surprised by a big canebrake like your comrade. I was not surprised by this one, but when it came to the moment of truth something inside me (the desire to not get bit while cutting his head off) changed my whole composure. I'm a real laid back guy, but that was most definitely a 'get it done' moment. Almost savage.
That canbrake was much more impressive than the two that struck me.
I was struck once w/o chaps and once with chaps - both were preventable but I generally gravitate TO snakes and not away from them.
Once I was cutting my way out of a property corner marker after having just been assaulted by wasps. I cut a small shrub and a small canebrake (14" or so) dropped out and started to scram so I stepped on his tail to slow him down and get a better look. He turned and struck me right in the laces/eylets, etc... No way he could get through all that leather and metal. I pinned his head to the ground w/ my machete' and confirmed he was a canebrake and just mashed down on the knife a little harder. I headed back to the truck and dug around till I found ONE leggin and put it on. About then my legs started shakin. Funny how your body does things like that.
The other was also a small canebrake and I was holding the prism for a shot and he was right next to me, but I figured if I held still till we got the shot he'd be cool or leave. His patience was shorter than the read rate of our old HP equipment and after buzzin a bit he struck, but they were more like feinting blows though he did smack the chaps pretty good. But he still wasn't striking over my boottops and so the chaps plus boots was way overkill.
Moccasins are plain mean and I'm convinced they look for trouble. They're like reptilian hornets. I've been cutting trees and pulling stumps from our pond this winter to wipe out thier habitat. Bad for my Lab as well as the kids.
I've killed one diamond back and it was a real shame since as I swung my machete' he struck and I wound up slicing a big gash down his side - which ruined the skin... My father killed a 5' diamond back when I was a kid. Only two I've seen here.