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May 16, 2006
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NYC or Catskill Mountains, NY
Upon arriving at my shop this morning I notice that my neighbor has very amateur like, delimbed a dead spruce tree in his back yard. I'm loading up and hear a noise that sounded a little odd. I get up on the back of my truck to see what I can see and discover he is using a sawzall to do this job. I mean he's on his knees actually doing a back cut on this spruce to fall it. I asked his wife if he might like to use a chainsaw. Well being a good neighbor I offered to fall it for him. In the pic the bottom cut is his notch. Take note of my nice hinge there too. (After all I new I get the wood off him, I make some 2 x 4's out of it with the csm). Moral: Some people have more determination than is good for them.
I have used my sawzall for many things in the maintence world....but never to fell a tree. That is hilarious. Good on you to be a good neighbor.

My friend's neighbor cut down a 20 ft. tall coconut tree with a dbh of 16 inches with a machete. He then was cutting the trunk into 2 ft. long pieces with the machete to haul it away. He had cut 2 pieces when my friend felt sorry for him and cut up the trunk with his chainsaw.

Yep, some people have way too much determination for their own good.
thats a real laughf. haha, ya some people do have alot of determination. i had seen a home owner cutting down a scrub pine ( about 40' tall x 14" diameter) with a friggin bowsaw. it gave my workers and i a real good laughf for our lunch break. again i felt bad and cut it down and bucked it up for him.:laugh:

ya'll forgetting that some of the massive 6' - 10' in diameter trees of the past were felled with handsaws and springboards.

i've seen some perfectly felled trees that were dropped using bowsaws.............

just saying....



this 19' wide tree was fallen over an one week period, with a custom made loooooong handsaw and double bit axes.

EDIT: correction the treee above is 22' wide its a Deer Island fir,a ccording to the book i was reading. They are cutting on the narrow side.
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