scratch, scratch, scratch!!

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Palm Harbor, FL (near Tampa)
Did a storm damaged Hackberry removal this weekend that had a ton of ivy on it. I knew it was either poison ivy or oak, but did not think twice cause I've been around the stuff before and it has not affected me. Pretty sure it was ivy based on leaf structure.

Oh well, guess the old immune system just had too much of it to deal with this time. Strange thing is that it is concentrated on my chest area.... and I had my arms all in it. I thought at least I'd get it on the arms first, but my arms are doing fine (so far).

It is currently working its way up from my chest to my head. Starting to drive me nuts. Heading to the doc in a few to get something...

I'm interested in your recommendations for:

1. Remedies for the itching
2. Ongoing prevention (i.e., drinks, pills, etc...)
I got poison ivy bad 2 yrs ago. I was doing oak wilt injections in a lawn of poison ivy. I had never had a problem before and climbed all in it. Working in a rural site, no restroom, just take a leak in the bushes, no handwashing........ Yes, ouch. P-ivy itching hell thought I was going to die. Head to toe....

I went to an allegist the next day and got a steroid shot. Not the pills, a shot. I was 75% better by the afternoon. 100% by the next day.

I have had good results with cutivate, fluticasone propionate cream - Rx only.

I just look at it and start itching.

Good luck

I've rolled in it, hugged and shinnied
trunks covered in it-I never experienced a single bump. I used to get it. I actually did once when I thought I was immune to it. I use the regular ivy wash by Tecnu. It gives protection 2-8 hours after exposure. Even though I still seem to be immune to poison ivy, I still apply the Tecnu to ease the burden on my immune system due to exposure. I noticed Sherrills does not advertise the regular ivy wash in their catalog.
It's good stuff and easily washes pine sap off the skin too.

Well, just got back from the dr - got the steroid shot. I'm still itching like a mutha... will post tomorrow and let u know the progress (i hope).

Nathan - how do you apply the Oral Ivy? Is is a preventative measure or a symptom reliever?
Tim, it's just 3 - 5 drops of the stuff in a 1/4 glass of water each day. It takes roughly 10 days - 2 weeks to get into your blood stream, according to the bottle. I have been using 1 bottle since last july or august and still have half of it left. However I didn't use it during the winter because there is no need for it during that time.
Wash with soap and lots of cold water if you think you've had contact. Hot water will open the pores and makr things worse.

Minor cases, calamine and benedryl

I've never got it(touch wood), just know people who have.
I've given up trying! The only thing that works for me is a prescription of Prednisone. The very first paying job I ever did I got covered head to toe, including the family jewels. Gloves, long sleeve shirt and washing with soap and water often helps a lot too. If I feel that I've come in contact with poison ivy I'm on the cellphone to get a prescription.
Tim, I have come in light contact with poison ivy after getting on the stuff and have not felt any adverse effects from that contact. Rich, I used to go to the doctor all the time when I got poison ivy, after a while though he said if I got it one more time that was it.
I get poison oak a few times a year, it's hard to ID in the winter when it has no leaves. I got tired of going to the doctor and being treated like a drug seeker. It seems to itch more at night for the couple weeks it takes to heal.

Taking a benedryl tablet before bed helps. Also, hot showers, as hot as I can stand seems to numb it temporarily. I told a doctor this once and he argued this was impossible, but I learned it from someone else who also does this.

"Burn Free" cream seems to work as good if not better than any anti-itch cream but it's hard to find. I was introduced to it at a first aid class.
i think anything that dries soaks it up, cools etc. including moist dirt. i have been known to even use a lil gas in the field.

Benadryl is antihistamine that reduces the hsitamine reaction of skin. i've even crushed the pills to dampen and put on topically with success in a pinch for years, it is in the ointments.

Tthey say the culprit is urishiol in all these plants and a thimble full of it alone could wipe out all resistance to an army of men.

Poison Ivy etc. Seasonal Changes Pictures

Poison Ivy etc. Picture Links

Parent Page to Poison Ivy Pictures

i've had to get the shot 3x, with runaway cases.
Soaking in a hot bath laced with epsom salts helps, then as someone alluded to calamine lotion works wonders on any itch. Looks funny though, but being plastered with white goop is worth the relief. A prerequisite for any Army training area in Canada is that is has to be infested with poison ivy, so I can say I have had a lot of experience; they used to issue the lotion by the gallon.:p
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Well - I am in day 5.

-exposed on 6/15
-steroid shot on 6/17
-today is 6/19

Not having been exposed prior to this, I don't have a personal experience to compare to. However, I can say that the itching is still there... it has moved to a few other spots like my forearms and some on the beltline (that is the most annoying one...)

I think it would be worse had I not had the shot.
today is the day, I am headed out loaded with longsleeves, gloves, and tecnu. Wish me luck.

I always say a paycheck is no good to a deadman - how about to an itchin' man?

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