Visited the old man’s place with the kids yesterday to do some splitting, the neighbour had a large Tallow wood taken down and got the arborist to remove a section of fence and drop off about a cord. Started splitting with the X27 tried for some time but achieved zero split and 100% bounce, it was totally useless. Then tried my dad’s cheap box store splitter and it just cracked through each and every log pretty much first hit time every time.
Then went into the front yard to dice up an Angophora which hit the house in a storm a few months ago and finally got taken down by the insurance company. This time around the X27 was a dream and the box store splitter struggled. The little fella was very keen to help out, until he hit his shin with the hatchet
Put 2 tanks of fuel though the 7900 noodling the crotches.
Today did some gardening, converting a rose patch to a vegetable patch, the patch is currently full of onion weed (which I despise) so decided to dig it out.
Was digging under the onions and getting my hands under the plants to attempt to remove the bundles of tiny onions.
This guy was about 4” from my hand when I spotted it, it’s a Sydney funnel web the deadliest spider in the world. One bite can kill a grown man, luckily not me today!.