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This make me remember a few years ago, I was out plowing the back 40, basically in no man's land. Snow jet falling harder and harder. Got to the point where I just stopped the truck cause I couldn't see. About a half hour later it kept up enough I could continue on my route. Came around a turn and realized I plowed about 1/3 of the lane I was in and 2/3 the field next to the road.... straight down to the dirt. Ended up going back that spring to fix my f-up. Property owner didn't begrudge me too much.

My Shepard will run a deer off the property, she won't kill or even attempt to harm them. Stops dead at the property line or if I call her off. Can't stand a dog that doest listen.

Last neighbor that shot a dog, nearly got shot himself. Actually there was a stand off between the two neighbors and the cops. I won't lie, the jerk neighbor that everyone Hates got off easy, just like normal. Really as many jerk things he's done over the years I wouldn't lift a finger to help him one bit. As a matter of fact I stop plowing the lane at my property line because he's such an arse.
