5.4 cubic inch, not a bad saw. I got one sitting on my back porch right now that I bought brand spanking new way back in the 80's, back then it was called a 540 and later it became the 8800. I sawed many a cord with it over the years. They run pretty smooth and steady. Will handle just about any tree you wanna saw down. They had a factory recall on the tank vents at one time, easy to put in. The carb boot will rot out sooner or later, mine did. All in all not a bad old saw at all, kinda heavy. Cuts a wee bit slower than a 064 Stihl, I know I raced one one day and he got me by about a inch or so. The coil on mine finally died and its been sitting ever since. Will still run good until it heats up and then she dies. Haven't really been looking for a coil for it but I imagine parts for that old saw are getting far and few.