Setting cutting gap on Olathe 864 chipper

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ArboristSite Lurker
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Wichita KS
Does anyone know how wide to set the gap on an Olathe 864 chipper? The cutting teeth may have been sharpened several times without the previous owner setting the gap properly, I suspect.

I am rebuilding this machine and any help finding info for this chipper will be very appreciated.

Thank you.
I know nothing of your machine, but most chippers, be they disc, or drum, old style or new, perform best with as small a gap as is possible.
Yes, it was designed as a pallet chipper, although, I intend to use it to chip brush & limbs. It has 24 teeth or blades (not sure which they are called).

Each are approx. 1/2 inch thick, x 2 +/- inches wide X approx. 4-5 inches long.

The cutting end is tapered - so it is appox. 4 inches long on one side of the cutting edge and 5 inches long on the leading edge. (Sorry to use so many words to describe them).

Thanks! Dennis

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