The modern ones do. You would be hard pressed, with the exception of the top handled saws and their sisters, to find a horizontal cylinder on a modern saw.
Why do you ask? Is there something specific that you want to know?
Why are the video clips important to you? If I knew your reason, I might be inclined to make one for you but the only Shindaiwas I have are a pair of 488s and my only Dolmar is a modified 7900, it won`t exactly sound stock.
It just occurred to me that there is a video of a stock Dolmar 7900 in EHP`s forum toward the current end of the saw videos thread.
It's probably going to sound just like any other cut off saw. Is there a reason why you are trying to find out what that particular cut off saw sounds like?
Why? Why is this so important to you? You`re going to have to expound a bit more than you have because frankly everyone is loosing interest in answering your posts.