This is a Ford, Chevy, Dodge Question...
You're going to get replies that are as diverse as individual preferences for trucks or cars. Vermeer, Bandit and Morbark are going to be your 'Fords, Chevys and Dodges' (in no particular reference order) while there are a number of smaller yet popular brands available - gravely, asphlund, mitts & merrill, etc.
I've tried all different sizes of all different brands and I keep coming back to the vermeer simply because I like the feed wheel setup. To me, the vermeer models (1250, 1230A, 1800) are very easy to feed. You just give it a start and walk away. The 'Autofeed' feature monitors rps and will slow the infeed rate to allow the engine rpms to rebuild. The bandits and morbarks seem to take more operator effort - but just my opinion.
Part of the reason I'm a vermeer guy is because I'm a chevy guy. Out here in South Dakota it's chevy and vermeer. Elsewhere, it's probably Ford and Morbark or Dodge and Bandit. Point is - everyone's got there one personal preference but you need to see for yourself. Call your local dealers and arrange for on-site trials of each machine. You'll find one that 'fits' right.