side wrk
Alot of it matters with your particular employer, some don't care and of course
some do. As long as you have all your own equipment, are'nt getting jobs on the side while on company time, and do quality work, I dont see any problems with it. The company i used to work for had a real serious problem
with the crews going out and doing side work on company time. Some of the work was city contract and the city arborist here is so incompetent that he wouldnt know what was done or not. These guys would get a days worth of work, go out and do side work with company equipment, sign off on the city work orders as being completed and that was that. This was with a big national company that is one of the "major" players in the tree care domination game. New managment was brought in and these guys didnt last
long with the new manager. I came on just after all this happened and the office was in shambles, the remaining workers were terrible, equipment had been stolen($10,000) worth, clients were totally disatisfied and I arrived from
dallas,tx thinking that i just made the biggest mistake in my life. In the end things improved greatly and it turned out to be a worthwhile experience. It's
hard not to go out and get your own work when you can sometimes make your whole pay check in one day, just do it honestly, and give them good quality tree care.