small trees?

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May 2, 2001
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Over the last few weeks I have recieved a few calls from people who wanted trees removed. I went to look at one of them a few weeks back and it was a tiny river birch (nothing over 2" diameter) I laughed at them and asked if they were serious. Then yesterday I looked at another job, a recently planted sugar maple which was no more than 6' in height. I thought it was a joke, but that was the tree.

What do you do when you get a call like that?
I dunno, as I'm not a tree man, but it occurs to me that you've already invested your time, so why not take their money? They want it done by SOMEBODY.

Hey, it's not your fault that some people are so lame they have to call someone for a tiny job like that! :laugh:
$300 bucks. wait for a rainy day. back the chipper up to it, grind the stump with a stump grinder, whatever just make a little show so they feel they are getting their moneys worth.
some people like to see where thier money is going. Some do not. Sure you could go out there in a pickup and do it, but what i am getting at is to show your customer why you would have a minimum. Mabe it would reassure him or her that thier money is worth your service. Also, mabe a llittle show would attract other customers in the area that have a little more than a 2" tree to work on.
I got a cabling job for some mighty 3"-5" birches:laugh: They were so concerned about them, made me feel like a vet must when a person brings in a sick pet $2 mouse.:D
frashdog said:
I got a cabling job for some mighty 3"-5" birches:laugh: They were so concerned about them, made me feel like a vet must when a person brings in a sick pet $2 mouse.:D

Don't laugh man, my kid got a hamster for X-mas. :cry: 'Hammy' will die of natural causes on the way to the vet? Maybe. That said, if someone just wants some small stuff removed I'd have done one of two things after saying my price was dins and beer, fired up the saw and be done with it, (kin ya git da roots out?) tied it to ma truck and pulled the sucker (literally it sounds like ) down & out, thnku, 50$, bye now. I have shears that'd done it it a min or two, why make a big thing outta it? Doesn't sound like more than 10mins work imo. Be honest with them, could be good for the rep and liking of your integrity, what you do could lead to more (paying) business. My 0.024$ worth for the night.


lol i live fer those jobs just price it n pluck it call it a day.maybe you can re sell them i do it often charge to remove then charge to install if not makes wifey mighty happy when i bring em home
Unless it is a long drive, I don't mind - it is easy money and frequently leads to more work for the same customer later, not to mention a referral or two...:chainsaw:
A small living tree removal? I like to remove the whole thing, roots and all, and replant it in my yard or elsewhere.
Whatever you do with the little thing, you are now in the yard. That's good! See what other trees are around, comment positively on how good the good ones look, and wait for the questions. Those lead to more work, and on you go.