Dont fertilize yet.
Next time, run the micronutrient test (Fe, Mn, Cu, etc) as well as an OM test.
With this soil pH, your metal micros could be quite high and your base nutrients Ca and Mg are pretty low. Thats why a dolomitic lime product was also recommended. You can also estimate N totals from % OM.
Most importantly, how is the tree doing? Signs and symptoms? Running a tissue test earlier in the season IN CONJUCTION with this soil test is the way to go. Remember, fertilizing is like pruning: it can be the best or worst thing that can be done. Perhaps the only thing this tree needs is a bed expansion and supplemental OM applied. Since this tree is large/mature, a maintenance amount of 1 to 2 lbs N per 1000 may be all that is needed. Avoid ammonium and urea N sources as they acidify and that isnt needed here. Since it has lived this long, research the site history to see if the root zone and soil has been disturbed or damaged. If not, and the tree is doing well...dont fertilize. Mulching with compost and wood chip will basically replicate forest soil and is likely all that is needed.