Solo in Walmart

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Mar 24, 2002
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North Central Mass
In my Walmart yesterday and saw what was labeled as a Snapper Chainsaw, didn't get a close look as it was WAAAAY up on the top shelf. So I checked out online at Walmart and they offer three models of Solo chainsaws!

So much for the dealer loyalty :D
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got a little 34 cc solo that im impressed with. son in laws got it now for his deere hunting. the name of the game is strictly dollars an bottum line.
i stihl believe quality at a fair price will
hold up for the dealers tho. i hope so cause we gonna all pay more if they eliminate the local dealers.
I stopped and got a lawnmower blade and a few other goodies day before yesterday; while I was there just had to fondle the new chain saws. I noticed that the dealer was selling Echo products for very favorable prices compared to Home Depot, and goodies go with... bet ya don't get a free hat and oil at Big Box, inc, and they sure don't give the same personal service!

I asked him...there's a little profit in those Echo's at those prices yet.

In a twisted sort of way, I'd be glad to see a couple of Solo's in Walmart. Walmart sells a few, then local Husky or Stihl dealer gets requests for parts and service. He doesn't want to go to snapper for parts, pretty soon solo has a presence in my area. Nearest Solo dealer to me is 3 hrs away; doesn't stock parts and doesn't service saws at all.
Garbage bars at Home Depot

The local Home Depot's carry a line of "Home Depot brand" blades that are pretty flimsy. At least the one I bought was a little warped so I returned it.
son in laws got it now for his deere hunting

tony, tell your son-in-law he'll catch more deers with a gun or a bow than that chain saw. Maybe he could use it to quarter the deer like Dennis does them Bufflers.:)
If ya get a runnin' start and shine a flashlight in their eyes, you have a chance, but you gotta watch out for the game wardens. They didn't like the time I was squirrel hunting over at the park with a bag a peanuts and a ball peen hammer. 'no sense a humor, i guess?
:D he ll get a kick out o this..
guys particular ,to the point of being funny. he ll take does to cut back there numbers here ,and put them in the freezor. but he gets laughed at for passing on pretty good white tail bucks.
if it aint worth putting on his wall ,he wont take it. now a family secrete.
my daughter hit a buck with a very lg rack,with her car . he put it on his wall.:D now i cant show him this post,for fear of winding up in his sites lol hes a good kid tho.couldnt o picked a better son inlaw not that any ofum was good enough for my baby girl .but he ll do.
later now
Reminds me of a little story...

Three Yoopers were up at camp for the full two week stretch, and by the last day, had 6 nice bucks and a bear hanging on the buck pole. As they were breaking camp, the CO pulls up to check licenses. The boys were unconcerned, as each of them had their tags, and a bear tag, to boot. The Game Warden strode up to the buck pole, and saw that each buck had been properly tagged, as had the bear. He also noticed that each deer had been shot cleanly between the eyes, and the bear had been too. The CO was amazed at the shooting prowess of the three Yoopers, and remarked, "Dat's some nice shooting, eh. Square between da eyes. You boys are some kind of good shot, huh?"

Then, he glanced at the front paws of the bear, and saw that each of them had a neat hole in the center. He asked the Yooper boys what had happened, that each of the front paws had such a neat hole in them.

Taivo volunteered, "Well, when we turn da light on 'im, he cover'd his eyes wit' both his paws!"

Anyhow, Tony, I hope the drought breaks soon, and a bit of Northern Michigan humor brightens your day a little. When's the last time you guys had measurable precip?


Some Solo models were carried by sears (under craftsman) and also one of the shop at home tv shows

What I consider a reliable source told me that the Solo saws at Walmart are available only online and are in "extremely short supply". He tells me that Walmart has a number of liquidators/wholesalers that roam the planet preying on bankrupt distributors and such. He said "no way did those saws come directly from Solo".

I think (and this is just my opinion) that's the same way a large Arborist supply house we all know well ended up w/the Solo 651SP that they call the B51. It's a forest green and or black Solo and that's what the Solo/Craftsman used to be b4 Solo pulled out of the box store experiment w/Sears. Seems like they bought all the left overs and slapped their name on them. Who can keep score anymore?