Crazy Canuck
ArboristSite Operative
I am so ???? fed up with this mechanic. A week ago monday the transmission in my truck goes. He can't get to it for a week so monday mornign bright and early I limp my truck into the lot and give him the keys. About noon he calls me and says that as it turns out the supplier doesn't have my transmission in stock. First of what the ???? is a transmission supplier doing without a trans for a 1988 chev pick up, theres enough of those trucks around here that theres no excuse for not always having a couple in stock. Second of all, it took a week to find this out????????????? So they are going to custom build me one and overnight it to the shop, guaranteed I'll have my truck back by close of buisiness wednesday. Well he doesn't start on it until this morning (friday) and I finally get my truck at about 4:45 today. I haven't worked in pretty much 2 weeks now and I've got a pile of estimates to get to so I go do some estimates and get to a small job that was only going to take about an hour. ???? it felt good to be pruning trees again. Load up the equipment when starts to get dark and head home. Trucks running great until about 2 blocks from home I stop to talk to a friend. Put the truck back in gear and i've only got 1st gear. I can't get ahold of the guy and I need to get back to work. I'm about to lose it and he better be at the shop at 7:30 tomorrow morning, or even tonight, to fix this problem or we are going to have a big problem. I've already lost 2 weeks of work over this bull???? and I can't afford to lose more..........