New Member
I'm new to the tree climbing world. Seems like everyone around the area I live likes the Old School "Split Suspension saddle"; Heavy Duty w/ 4 D rings. I bought the Tree Climbers Companion Book. Great read, and hats off to Jeff Jepson for such a wonderful book. Well, in the book, it's limited on any descriptions, of various saddle types, and their hookup. It seems to me that using a Carabiner through the two D-rings, puts undo pressure on it while trying to keep the rings together. Maybe using a rope snap that's Heavy Duty, that wouldn't matter; or just plain old tying the rope to the rings Old School simple. If using the D-rings open, then using a carabiner tied into one side, and using a carabiner on the other,(Split Tail Setup),it doesn't seem like it would work because of the unequal connection point. Sooooooo, what is the advantage OR idea behind the Split Suspension? Thanks!http://www.arboristsite.com/images/smilies/frown.gif