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Took these pictures this spring, just got to getting them off the memory card.
Conn DEP issues 2 and 4 cord Firewood Permits @ $30/cord. DEP Foresters mark the trees and assign lots to be cut.
Photos came out of Pachaug State Forest,
An unimproved road like this isn't usually open to the cars/trucks, they're used for access to firewood / timber sales and as snow mobile trails. A few in Pachaug are also open to motorcycles.
Sign marking the lot
And the blue-blazed trees designated for cutting.
I think this I was on "Trail 2", I was in that area anyway -- this section of the forest long as I can remember has always been "scraggily" for lack of a better word. I know it was hit hard by the gypsy moths during the last big outbreak in the 80s. Good chance of poor soils and forest fire damage too.
Much of Pachaug was bought around 1935 by the U.S. Resettlement Administration whose original mission was buying out farmers on poor lands and relocating them to planned communities. Within a couple years the RA was changed into a less socialist program and became the Farm Security Administration that focused on farm loan programs.
Conn DEP issues 2 and 4 cord Firewood Permits @ $30/cord. DEP Foresters mark the trees and assign lots to be cut.
Photos came out of Pachaug State Forest,
An unimproved road like this isn't usually open to the cars/trucks, they're used for access to firewood / timber sales and as snow mobile trails. A few in Pachaug are also open to motorcycles.

Sign marking the lot

And the blue-blazed trees designated for cutting.
I think this I was on "Trail 2", I was in that area anyway -- this section of the forest long as I can remember has always been "scraggily" for lack of a better word. I know it was hit hard by the gypsy moths during the last big outbreak in the 80s. Good chance of poor soils and forest fire damage too.
Much of Pachaug was bought around 1935 by the U.S. Resettlement Administration whose original mission was buying out farmers on poor lands and relocating them to planned communities. Within a couple years the RA was changed into a less socialist program and became the Farm Security Administration that focused on farm loan programs.