Stihl 026 problem...suggestions?

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 21, 2002
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Hi All,

I have a Stihl 026 and the saw stopped running today when it was almost through one tank of fuel. I would not start when it was hot. When it cooled off it started up and ran for about 1 min and I could not get it started again.

Maybe someone has some suggestions. $ is tight and I would rather not bring it to the dealer. i purchased an 026 shop manual off E-bay, but does not cover trouble shooting.

These things I do know:

The saw is past it's 1 yr warranty.

The saw has about 25 tanks of fuel through it.
(92 octane brand name gas/use only Stihl oil 50:1.

I do not store the saw with fuel in it

It has spark when it's cold. I have not tested for spark when it's hot. The spark is dry and coco brown, it's not fouled.

The Air and fuel filter are spotless.

Any thoughts on what I should look into or test next?
Happyjack, I live in the northeast too. It was in the 90's today. Let the saw cool down (should be cool by now, LOL), try it in the morning. You may have had boiling fuel.

Get the basics first. When it does not start, what is missing, air, fuel, compression, spark.
I think I might check a fuel hose and pulse for cracks, that is the most common problem on this model.
Let me know what you find.
Thanks for the suggestions!

It was HOT today!

(I think I might check a fuel hose and pulse for cracks, that is the most common problem on this model)

What do you mean by, "pulse for cracks" Also, how do I make sure the vent is working right?

Is there a way to stop vaporlock or boiling fuel? Is this common for 90 degree weather?

Thanks guys!!!!
To check the vent run the saw 'til it quits and try to restart it. If it won't re-start open and then close the fuel cap and try to start it again. If it starts you most likely have a vent problem. I think stihltech meant "pulse hose".

The vent may be a small hose to the left of the carburetor. It should pass air slowly. Ohter versions are a black rectangular plastic piece with a screw in the top, and a plastic dome.
The pulse hose goes from the bottom of the carb to the crankcase below the cylinder.
I would make sure the vent is open, that should stop any vapor lock on a Stihl saw.
Thanks guys!!!!

I'll try it and run her tomarrow. I'll let you know how I make out.
Hey I picked up some trash at the motel before I left Canada. One of the things was a Molson beer box. When I was at your place Dennis, you were braging that your beer was 5% well I looked on that box and found out it was .5%!!!! No wonder I drank so much of it without effect. I can't believe they charge a buck a can for 1/2 of a % beer! I wondered why you didn't want any of my rum and coke. (Tell Pink "and the ref takes a point away!") Mike
LMFAO Mike...I didnt know you caught onto that phrase...i only did this week...that .5 you bought at the grocery store is only gerbil piss...our real beer can only be bought by people over 19 and under kills everyone else,...didnt ya see Rotax on sunday morning???? They prolly carded ya and you werent allowed the good stuff.....

Happyjack...check the vaporlock issue...that is what it sounds like....the lean condition on the piston is the next one..hope not for your sake...if the lean condition isnt present.(ie: scored piston)..get a pressure test done..sounds like you will have a problem soon....

the other one thing I have seen that can cause this scenario...and i have only ever seen it on 2071/ an old fuel line...they get old/weak/hot and when you try to bring fuel up...the line actually compresses and either shuts off...or doesnt allow enough fuel...thereby creating a lack of fuel...and either bogs or cracks in some cases...sucking air..either situation not healthy....just a couple more tries
Thanks for the info i appreciate it.

I checked the vent and it is not clogged. I'm taking her in the woods again and I'll see what gives.

Man, frosts my ass when my saw is not running right!!!!!!!

What mix would you reccomend Rupedog? The manual said 50:1.
I ran this past a saw shop owner, he said "If it's real hot out and the saw is just a little too lean it's real easy to seize 'em ". A slightly rich mixture will allow the unburned fuel to act as coolant!
Well I fixed it! It was a cracked fuel line.

It didn't cost me a dime. I told the dealer my saw was a little over a year old and, and he gave me a new fuel line and filter for free.

Thanks for all the help guys your suggestions really helped me out! My saw is running fine! This is a great site.