W Woodie49 ArboristSite Lurker Joined Apr 11, 2022 Messages 12 Reaction score 2 Location Calif May 15, 2022 #1 Have a Stihl 031AV , it fired up. Now won't Start getting Spark and Fuel. What could be the problem ?
Have a Stihl 031AV , it fired up. Now won't Start getting Spark and Fuel. What could be the problem ?
L34 Go the HAWKS . AS Supporting Member. Joined Aug 30, 2016 Messages 1,257 Reaction score 1,388 Location Tasmania,Australia May 17, 2022 #2 Flooded,sheared flywheel key. Could be one of many things. Have you tried the easiest things first?EG fit a new plug even though you have spark. May not be firing under compression. Will it fire with a dribble of fuel in the spark plug hole?
Flooded,sheared flywheel key. Could be one of many things. Have you tried the easiest things first?EG fit a new plug even though you have spark. May not be firing under compression. Will it fire with a dribble of fuel in the spark plug hole?
HarleyT Tree Freak . AS Supporting Member. Joined Dec 6, 2014 Messages 21,333 Reaction score 25,448 May 17, 2022 #3 Clean and adjust the points, it will likely help things.