I've got an old Stihl 090 saw that has a bad ignition. I was told by someone who was working on it that they cannot get this part any longer but we have the option of fixing it by using an old points & condensor configuration instead. He claims that the only problem is that the points and condensor needs to be mounted on a "stator plate", which is not on my saw right now since it never had the points and condensor configuration to begin with. I know little to nothing about repairing saws, but I feel that if I brought this saw to ten different people, I would get ten different answers. I thought it would be a good idea to post this and see if I can get some opinions. Is it true the the electronic ignition module that went bad is not possible to buy now? Is replacing this with points and condensor a good option, and if so, where can I get this "stator plate"?? With all the postings I've seen regarding Stihl 090 saws on this website, I've got to believe that I can still get parts somewhere - any advice would be appreciated - Jim