Stihl FS131 and you [cutting reeded canary grass RCG]

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ArboristSite Member
Dec 22, 2020
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It's finally cooled down a bit, and I quit procrastinating. Fueled up the FS131 with 91 octane, no ethanol from BP. Note to everyone, the Stihl manual says 89 Octane minimum. I was going to go and get non-ethanol at Casey's, but it is 87 Octane... On pumps that dispense multiple grades with the same hose, I fuel up my vehicle first to get the 3 tenths of a gallon of whatever grade flushed out of the hose. Used the Stihl oil, add it to the can first, when add 1 gallon of gas. Done.

I use a 1.25 gallon "No Spill" gas can, it's got a pretty good push button valve and the spout fits beautifully into the Stihl's gas tank opening. Short of the old flexible metal spout, it's pretty easy to use. Worlds better than those complicated safety nozzles with the heavily spring loaded red thingmabobs that make fueling a push lawnmower into an exercise in futility...

Got two long path trimmings done, both took a tank of gas [0.7 L] and lasted an hour. Getting the technique down, like using a power scythe. Swing left with the head at about a 45 degree down angle [close to the soil], and then sweep the head up, flipping the remaining RCG up and out.

Starting the FS131 has made me soft. Choke it, maybe four pulls to pop, then open the choke a bit, then maybe two more pulls to catch and run. It is well designed, I've run it dry twice and it never misbehaved until it started to throttle down. Even with swinging it side to side when low, it didn't sputter or miss.

I tried the Stihl string trimmer head, but that only lasted maybe five minutes before I gave up on the string trimmer in heavy grass. Installed the metal tri-blade, and life became a lot easier. Installing the tri-blade was a bit of a head-scratcher unil I figured out that it was just a pressure fit, where the "cup" provides a clamping force to hold the blade in place. Another observation, the arbor is not keyed, it's just a 1" hole. It fits over a matching boss on the underside of the gear head. If you whack something solid with the tri-blade, it will slip a bit, but won't shear anything.


Used a Husqvarna Functional Forest Helmet (with a Wheel Ratchet). The wheel ratchet beats the plastic knob and hole adjustment all to pieces. The mesh shield didn't impede vision and stays in place. Muffs are OK, but I do foam plugs -AND- muffs. I wore Walker shooting glasses, no problem fitting them under the muffs.

Any time there is a side wind, safety glasses help keep chaff from blowing behind the mesh and into your eyes... A few small bits of duff bounced off my neck. Any one could have been extremely annoying without eye protection...

The Stihl harness is a monument to minimalist design. Not my favorite. Supposedly, the Husqvarna harness is better. While trimming on a flat, I didn't need as much of a death grip on the handlebars. Hands were tingling at the end of my first long trim.

BUT trimming cross-slope sucked with the motor head swinging downslope. While trying not to trip over grape vines...

Need to get anti-vibration gloves, perhaps the Echo Chainsaw gloves.
The Stihl harness that comes with the fs131 is ok, but flawed.
Mine self destructed, mid day, and I had to grab a sling-type unit that I had left over from an ancient strimmer.
The strap that holds the hook is a known weak point.
The strap buckle also broke but that gappened when I threw it at the tractor bucket 😎
I got a double harness off amazon that has a waist belt, better padding, and a much better hanger plate, which incorporates a quick release lever.
After a few years, I had to put a new cylinder and piston in the fs131.
It had heavy carbon deposits. I tried soaking it with their decarbonizing stuff but it wasn't enough.
I ran only non-ethanol and Ultra oil. One of the local stihl techs suggested that the build-up was due to too much running at less than WOT.
I used to run at lower RPM and blip the throttle to trim around sensitive objects. I will need to modify my technique.
My HT131 has been flawless, but it runs more WO and I use it a lot less.
It had heavy carbon deposits. I tried soaking it with their decarbonizing stuff but it wasn't enough.
I ran only non-ethanol and Ultra oil. One of the local stihl techs suggested that the build-up was due to too much running at less than WOT.
I used to run at lower RPM and blip the throttle to trim around sensitive objects. I will need to modify my technique.
Check out this Chickanic video: THE BIG SECRET! STIHL has NO POWER? Won't Throttle Up? How to fix your trimmer/blower. You are correct on WOT.
I got my FS 131 put back together yesterday and ran it for a while with the new harness and it is SO much better than the Stihl harness.
It is a VIABRICO harness, that I found on Amazon for $23US. I definitely recommend this harness, so far. I can't speak to longevity yet, but it is a much better design and looks to be well made.
Stihl does themselves no favors with the harness they include for most of their trimmers. Whatever comes with the trimmer is typically junk compared to the other harnesses that are sold separately. Any of the upgraded Stihl harnesses are great for any trimmer, even a 45cc clearing saw. FWIW I have accrued more hours than I care to count using Stihl trimmers and have never had a harness break or any component fail, but again I do not use the harness they include. The only harness I could never get to fit properly was the Husqvarna harness that came with their 545FR clearing saw/brush cutter.
Stihl does themselves no favors with the harness they include for most of their trimmers. Whatever comes with the trimmer is typically junk compared to the other harnesses that are sold separately. Any of the upgraded Stihl harnesses are great for any trimmer, even a 45cc clearing saw. FWIW I have accrued more hours than I care to count using Stihl trimmers and have never had a harness break or any component fail, but again I do not use the harness they include. The only harness I could never get to fit properly was the Husqvarna harness that came with their 545FR clearing saw/brush cutter.
The harness I was using was their "Double Standard Harness". It was reasonably comfortable but the strap that goes through the protection plate and holds the clip onto the harness, is a weak point. It rubs and eventually wears through the strap, at which point there is no longer a connection to the hanger clip.
The one from VIABRICO has a much more robust clip. Plus it includes a quick release. It has better straps, a full back support and a waist belt. Everything about it is better.
Thanks for the Stihl info SCM. I thought It was just me. I have the same uncomfortable issues with my FS130 handlebars. What I did was pull them off and re-bent them to an old Robin trimmer angle. Still not the best, but better.
I'll look into the Husky style this spring
Stihl offers a great harness for the handlebar version of their trimmers. It's the Forestry harness ADVANCE X-TREEm. Part number 0000 710 9001.
It's a little pricey at $174 here on the left coast but if you spend a lot of time with a trimmer strapped to your side, it's worth every penny.
I maintain mine, and all my neighbors' fire lines with my FS 131 and a FS 240 every spring, so I will have a wacker strapped to me, some days, for up to 8 hours at a time during the spring season. As you can see a good harness is a must. It's adjustable so you can transfer weight to your hips or shoulders as needed. You can also raise or lower the height of the trimmer which comes in handy while trimming up and down hills
I also attached a dove hunting ammo pouch to my left side strap of the harness, that will carry extra fuel (about a tank and a 1/4 extra) and about 6 extra spools of pre-wound line for my 27-2 trimmer head. This is necessary as there will be times that I could be 1/2 - 3/4 mile from my truck our ranch when I run out of string or gas. That's a long walk back just to top off a tank or replace a spool of string.
I told my wife I should market the setup as "Long Range Weed Wacking Kit" but she laughed and stated she doesn't see much market for it!! LOL

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