Stihl MS251C Cylinder Identification

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ArboristSite Lurker
AS Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2025
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Perth Australia
I have a MS251C Saw and it has a damaged piston and Cylinder from an initial inspection. I have been informed that the cylinders available fit the MS251 and Not the MS251C. How do I make sure that the cylinder I buy will be the correct one. Thanks for any information. Bob, In Australia
I thought the only substantive difference between the regular saw (any model) and its counterpart w/ the 'C' was the recoil mechanism. The 'c' variant simply has a spring and a ratchet - pull the cord to wind up the spring and store energy, and when the spring's power overcomes the compression, it gives the crankshaft a push like an energetic pull on the cord.

I'm no expert, nor have I taken one of these apart, but when I bought my MS250c, the salesman told me what I described above. I'm interested to learn if he was mistaken and if there in fact, is a significant difference between the two models.
Yes, as far as I can tell, the only difference, as you stated, is the recoil mechanism. I have an MS250C apart right now and it looks like an MS250 although I have not checked the part numbers. I need to replace the case because the lame dealer did not assemble it correctly, or it was boogered at the factory. The clutch & sprocket were not mounted right and it ate the oil pump drive and the case!
I thought the only substantive difference between the regular saw (any model) and its counterpart w/ the 'C' was the recoil mechanism. The 'c' variant simply has a spring and a ratchet - pull the cord to wind up the spring and store energy, and when the spring's power overcomes the compression, it gives the crankshaft a push like an energetic pull on the cord.

I'm no expert, nor have I taken one of these apart, but when I bought my MS250c, the salesman told me what I described above. I'm interested to learn if he was mistaken and if there in fact, is a significant difference between the two models.
Apparently there are 2 Two types of cylinders for this model,s , I'm talking After market and not OEM here, Too darn expensive to put OEM in, when another will do. The 251C also has an external pump plunger to pump fuel into the carb. I have not pulled it apart to check measurements as yet, but the brake band is also a different setup. One of the dealers here states that the cylinders he has (aftemarket) are different to the 251. Thanks for the response
I have a MS251C Saw and it has a damaged piston and Cylinder from an initial inspection. I have been informed that the cylinders available fit the MS251 and Not the MS251C. How do I make sure that the cylinder I buy will be the correct one. Thanks for any information. Bob, In Australia
Go over to the beg for manuals thread and request A IPL. Should give you proper part numbers for you saw.
MS211c, MS250c, MS251c, all require a different flywheel.
That makes sense, but I was suprised to hear they use different cylinders. Not sure why that would be. The one I have open looks the same as a non-C version. But, I don't have them side by side and it has been a while since I saw the inside of a non-C 250.
1143 020 1207cylinder and piston comes up for that S/N. Listed for CBEZ and Z( which is easy start and regular) also wood boss. I suspect there is a before and after as the are 2 other cylinders shown.
The main difference is style of intake to cylinder.Yours looks to be the later style. 4 mounting screws. The earlier style had 3.
1143 020 1207cylinder and piston comes up for that S/N. Listed for CBEZ and Z( which is easy start and regular) also wood boss. I suspect there is a before and after as the are 2 other cylinders shown.
The main difference is style of intake to cylinder.Yours looks to be the later style. 4 mounting screws. The earlier style had 3.
Thanks for that information. Much appreciated.
I recently replaced a MS261c cylinder and piston due to exhaust side piston ringand cyclinder heat problems asresultof lending my saw out to a friend who didn't use the prescribed two stroke fule mixture.
The cyclinder was slightly scored vertically but the two piston rings were melted away onto the piston.

You can purchase aftermarket cylinders and pistons from many sources.
I ended up buying an OEM cylinder off eBay and a pop up piston from Red Barn.
The OEM cyclinder had an OEM piston with it so I used the rings off it on to the new pop up piston.

I also removed the baffels from inside the muffer and added a West Coast Power Port to the assembly.

I could have been lucky but I didn't realize there was any difference on what cylinder manufacturer made or had limits on a 261 saw.

The saw fires up, feels peppier and is louder.
It seems to cut better too.