Up for sale is a Stihl MS660. This thing came to me as a runner with a cracked pto case half and a handful of stripped holes. I sourced a new used case half that is cosmetically challenged and swapped it in, while I was in there I installed a new set of seals and a new set of bearings too. Seals were a/m, fw side bearing was skf/nachi/*** generic and pto side was oem. I also put a new meteor piston in the saw and raised the exhaust roof a bit to get rid of a small chip in the plating. A few holes have been helicoiled, the clutch cover had a bow in the mounting surface that I filed off and a few cracks I can't file off, and the exhaust surface needed a little flattening too. It has a Maxflow setup on it, the original filter cover and filter were wrecked The one other thing I'll note, it has an a/m tank. The carb is oem, but at the bare minimum the tank and the filter base/filter mount are a/m. I don't know whether the fuel and impulse lines are oem or not. That being said, the saw is a strong runner and I've had zero issues with it since I went through it. I'd like to get $625 + the ride for it, but I'm open to offers.